'NOTHING COMES EASY' in this world. 

Everything requires exertion and devotion. We should be basically in the top 10% in whatever we are doing. 

I need to add not many focuses: 

1. Learning information designs and calculations aren't EASY. 90% of individuals flop in that. Like yourself, if you did that. 

2. Learning web advancement and sending projects isn't EASY. 90% of individuals flop in that. Like yourself, if you did that. 

3. Breaking any work/temporary position meet isn't EASY. 90% of individuals neglect to dominate in interviews. Like yourself, if you did that. 

4. Breaking any aggressive test isn't EASY. 90% of individuals fall flat in many tests. Like yourself, if you did that. 

Clearly, we can say that it is nearly less troublesome, however, 'NOTHING COMES EASY.' 

#learning #datastructures #interview#coding#codingninjas#Competitive programming


Shruti Dahiya said…

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