5 Biggest Mistakes We Do As Programmers

 5 Biggest Mistakes We Do As Programmers : 

1. We burn through much time in choosing our first programming language: 

Pick any language - C++, Java, or python and begin learning information structures and calculations. Meetings will be founded on critical thinking, not on the number of dialects you know. 

2. We stick to learning one information structure till we dominate in that : 

Information designs and calculations are adapted dynamically. Do 20-30 issues on one information construction and continue on. As you move, you will begin getting trust in past information structures and calculations. For Ex-You will begin getting trust in recursion as you begin learning trees. 

3. We don't update our ideas consistently : 

Doing new inquiries is alright. Be that as it may, the most significant is the correction of the ideas, which you couldn't do prior. 

For every one of the inquiries you were unable to do, bookmark them and continue to update the idea you had utilized in those inquiries. 

4. We just spotlight on information designs and skirt the programming essentials : 

Reasonable information on OS, DBMS, Computer Networks is especially critical to dominating in interviews. I have seen individuals getting dismissed on account of these ideas. So don't skip them. Ensure you gain proficiency with these before your genuine meetings. 

5. We don't keep up with the progression of critical thinking while at the same time acquiring new abilities: 

At whatever point we acquire new abilities like web advancement, application improvement, or AI, we for the most part think twice about information structures and calculations. Ensure you are doing 1-2 issues every day or 10-12 issues every week. This is vital; something else, getting the progression of critical thinking again turns into an extreme assignment. 

Continue to learn and best of luck :) 

#learning #programming #datastructures #algorithms


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Nice. 🙌🏼❤️

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